Yichun Bosha Industrial Co., Ltd.

  • Address
    Pharmaceutical Industrial Park, Yuanzhou District, Yichun City, Jiangxi Province
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  • Li Miaobin

    +86 18322930898
    +86 18322930898
    +86 18322930898
  • Xiao Cong

    Customer service
    +86 18179558113
    +86 18179558113
  • Lu Ting

    Customer service
    +86 18179553135
    +86 18179553135
  • Huang Yanli

    Customer service
    +86 18146652270
    +86 18146652270
  • Lin Pulan

    Customer service
    +86 18179559386
    +86 18179559386
  • Lin Xiaofang

    Customer service
    +86 18179551568
    +86 18179551568